Life is too short to let it pass you by. 人生短暂,不可虚度。
Because of their short wavelength, x-rays can pass through objects which are opaque to ordinary light. 由于X射线的波长短,它就能穿透一般光线所不能穿透的物体。
Unfortunately, life is very short and the older I get the quicker time seems to pass. I'm quickly realizing that I probably won't fit everything in. 可惜,生命是短暂的,年龄会随着时间的流逝而迅速增长,我很快意识到或许我没有时间去做所有想做的事。
These savings are but a short term stopgap, and as the months pass that flexibility cushion we had will slowly erode. 这些节流措施不过是些权宜之计;随着时间的流逝,我们会渐渐失去缓冲保护。
Here below is a short summary I pass out to them for consideration. 以下是我让他们参考的一个简短总结。
A very short time may pass between the receipt of the signals and the results on the watch. 这样,收到信号的时间和秒表测得的结果之间可能已经过了一段很短的时间。
Life is too short to let it pass you by. We only have one shot at this and then it's gone. I hope you all have a blessed day. 人生短暂,不可虚度。每个人只能活一回,然后生命就消失了。祝愿大家生活幸福。
Anonymous FTP: Yes And also short pass, overhead pass and the excellent rolling pass. 支持匿名FTP上传还是短传,头上传。最精彩的是你的滚地传球。
This signal is three short spurts in quick succession and means that the operator should pass the office name only and wait for another order tone. 此种信号是快速连续的三次简短爆发,其表示的是操作员只可以传送电话局的名称,然后等待其他的命令音。
Here we give a short overview of the stages a query has to pass in order to obtain a result. 下面是一个简短的描述,描述一个查询从开始到得到结果要经过的处理过程。
Jeopardy-playing computer seems like a remarkable accomplishment, not too short of having a machine pass the famous Turing Test. 一台能过参加Jeopardy的计算机似乎是一个了不起的成就,似乎就距离一台通过著名图灵测试的机器不远了。
Life is too short too let it pass you by. We only have one shot at this and then it's gone. The magnetic lines of force are in effect glued to the interstellar gas, and they follow the clouds in their capricious motions. 人生苦短,莫让它恍若白驹过隙,每个人只能有一次机会,然后一切都会成为过往云烟。磁力线实际上是紧附在星际气体上,并跟随星际云一道作着变化莫测的运动。
They prefer short declaratory statements such as this shall not pass and something must be done. 他们更喜欢简短有力的宣言,比如:我们不会让他们得逞,或是我们必须采取行动。
Short pass and long pass are the main strategy to attacking the third area. 短传和长传球是攻入对方三区的主要战术方法;
A LI 1800-12S integrating sphere coupled with an ASD hyper-spectrometer was used to measure leaf apparent reflectance. Different algorithms for fluorescence detection based on long pass filters and short pass filters was presented. 采用LI180012S积分球,耦合ASD地物光谱仪,在光源前面分别加载长波通、短波通截止滤光片,按照不同算法提取叶片表观反射光谱中的荧光。
Film system Design for short-wavelength pass filter 短波通滤光片膜系设计
Based on the principle of time-domain continuous finite impulse response ( TCFIR) filter, a short window narrow band pass continuous filter is designed. 根据时域连续有限冲激响应滤波器的原理设计了短窗窄带带通连续滤波器。
This paper introduces the technical innovation measures of potassium iodate production such as using borosilicate glass reflux cooler to recover and sublime iodine, sintering pipe filter for potassium iodate purification, long pass and short pass co exist chlorine treatment, no any neutralization operation in neutralizer etc.. 介绍了碘酸钾生产中,采用硼玻璃回流冷却器回收升华碘、烧结管式过滤器精制碘酸钾、长路与短路并存氯气处理、中和釜内不进行中和操作等技术改进措施。
In the paper two kinds of optical coatings for fiber laser are described, including long wave pass filter and short wave pass filter. 文章介绍了两种应用于光纤激光器的薄膜类型,分别为长波通和短波通截止滤光膜。
The results show that the Australian Football team's main formation is 3-6-1; they attack positively towards opponent's goal by using short pass and skilful techniques; 结果表明:澳大利亚队在世界杯比赛上的阵形以3-6-1为主,进攻时积极向前压上,依靠集体的短传配合和细腻的个人技术向对方球门推进;
Or taking a pass too far at middle-slow speed week opposition state and strong opposition state while taking a short pass ball. 接短传来球时的中慢速弱对抗、次强对抗状态下的接球过大。
The assistance before scoring is mainly short pass and corner arc and right sideway long pass fall behind. 射门前协助方式中,主要是以短传为主,其次是角球、右路斜长传;
Similarly, fluorescence spectra were derived from reflectance under illumination with short pass filters directly. Obvious differences in fluorescence spectra were founded in different kinds of plant. 采用短波通滤光片可直接获得荧光光谱,不同植物种类荧光光谱差异明显。
Relatively new attack has "short pass with outflanking attack on Middle Road"," near points with Middle Road insert offensive", these often used when long pass ineffective. 比较新颖的打法有短传配合十中路包抄进攻、近点摆渡+中路插入进攻,这两种打法往往在长传效果欠佳的时候,被球队所采用。
In this paper, we prepared various of cut-off interference filters in order to adjust the wavelength and bandwidths of modern optical devices, and especially, the short wavelength pass filters were investigated in detail which were difficult to design and prepare. 本论文应用制备各种规格的干涉截止滤光片来实现光学器件的波长与带宽的可调,尤其对难度较大的短波通滤光片的设计与制备做了详细介绍。
Corner with a long pass and short pass than the direct shot with the more effective and more threatening. 角球的长传配合比直接射门和短传配合更有效、更有威胁。
Through long and short wave pass superposition, broad band-pass filter was designed. 通过长波通与短波通膜系的叠加,设计宽带通滤光片。
The long passes are used less, and take up 20% of the total number of passes, the success rate of it has less than the short pass. 长距离传球运用较少,占总传球数的20%,成功率也没有中、短距离传球高。